image graphique d'un enseigne de rue

Trail Map

 Protected Land

carte des territoires protégés de la FFVR

The Land Trust already protects more than 400 hectares (1000 acres) of wildlands in the Township of Potton. It also holds the conservation servitude for a large portion of the Réserve naturelle des montagnes vertes, which is owned by Nature Conservancy Canada.

Your ecological donations could be added to this large territory already protected in perpetuity.

How to preserve private wildlands

Video prepared by the Réseau des milieux naturels (in french only).

Voluntary conservation options

Voluntary conservation is a process by which the owner takes responsibility for the protection of our natural heritage for the benefit of the community. It is also called private or community stewardship, derived from the term Conservation Stewardship. Several conservation options use the mechanisms proposed within the Quebec legislative context. There are two main categories depending on whether an owner wishes to retain his right of ownership or whether he wishes to donate his land.

Conservation option You remain owner Reduction of taxes Legal Agreement Description
Declaration of Intent Yes No No Moral commitment by an owner based on honour, through which he expresses the desire to preserve the natural attractions of his property.
Conservation Plan and an agreement for managing and ennhancing habitat Yes No No An agreement in which an landowner and a conservation organization agree to work together to manage, develop and enhance the natural features of a property.
Conservation Servitude Yes Yes Yes An agreement between a landowner and a conservation organization in which the landowner gives up certain rights in his or her property.
Natural reserve for a private landowner Yes Yes Yes Legal commitment by which a property owner undertakes to protect the natural features of his or her property in accordance with the  Loi sur les réserves naturelles en milieu privé.
Selling a property to a conservation organization No Yes Yes A property owner sells his property to a conservation organization. He or she may decide to sell at a discount or at the market value of the property.
Donation of property No Yes Yes An owner donates his or her property to a conservation organization.

Conservation option

Declaration of Intent
You remain owner Yes
Reduction of taxes No
Legal Agreement No
Description :

Moral commitment by an owner based on honour, through which he expresses the desire to preserve the natural attractions of his property.

Conservation Plan and an agreement for managing and ennhancing habitat
You remain owner Yes
Reduction of taxes No
Legal Agreement No
Description :

An agreement between a landowner and a conservation organization to work together to manage, develop and enhance the natural features of a property.

Conservation Servitude
You remain owner Yes
Reduction of taxes Yes
Legal Agreement Yes
Description :

An agreement between a landowner and a conservation organization in which the landowner gives up certain rights in his or her property.

Natural reserve for a private landowner
You remain owner Yes
Reduction of taxes Yes
Legal Agreement Yes
Description :

Legal commitment by which a property owner undertakes to protect the natural features of his or her property in accordance with the Loi sur les réserves naturelles en milieu privé.

Selling a property to a conservation organization
You remain owner No
Reduction of taxes Yes
Legal Agreement Yes
Description :

A property owner sells his property to a conservation organization. He or she may decide to sell at a discount or at the market value of the property.

Donation of property
You remain owner No
Reduction of taxes Yes
Legal Agreement Yes
Description :

An owner donates his or her property to a conservation organization.

To know more about it

As an affiliated member of Appalachian Corridor, the Ruiter Valley Land Trust can work together with their team to complete the process that will lead to an ecogift.

Several steps are required to carry out this project: a habitat inventory by biologists, establishment of a conservation plan, a title deed search, submission of the file to the ecogift program, registration by a notary, etc.

The conservation organization assumes the costs related to the preparation of the file.

Would you like more information about wildland conservation with the Ruiter Valley Land Trust? Contact us at