image graphique d'un enseigne de rue

Trail Map

Educational sessions

Faune sans frontières Program

Faune sans frontières – The Ruiter Valley Land Trust Wildlife Monitoring Education Programs.

As a ground truthing approach using tracking, this program consists in identifying the tracks and signs left by wildlife in its habitat. Tracking provides better understanding of wildlife movements, preferred habitats, and long-term monitoring of population trends.

Training sessions presented in this brochure are aimed at a range of groups, from schools and the general public to professionals. They take place indoors and in the field, on the trails of the Réserve Naturelle des Montagnes Vertes, the Ruiter Valley Land Trust or elsewhere on request.

Our Training Offers

  • Discovering tracking
    2-hours hike for the general public. Group of 10 to 20 people.
  • “Tracker for a Day” Workshop
    Half day workshop for the general public, one hour indoors and three hours hiking.
    Group of 10 to 20 people.
  • Initiation to Tracking
    Full day training including half-day indoor and half-day hiking, offered to specialized or professional groups.
    Group of 20 to 30 people.
  • Wildlife Monitoring Training
    Citizen training program on tracking, wildlife monitoring and its various applications. Indoor and hiking, for a total of 3 days of training over 3 months.
    Group of 12 to 15 people.

For information on training costs and schedules, please contact us at :

Download the brochure

Dépliant de formation Faune sans frontières

School Courses

Faune sans frontières- Youth – Education program for wildlife monitoring by the Ruiter Valley Land Trust.

Pedagogical programs in environmental sciences and eco-citizenship offered in educational institutions: all elementary and secondary levels.

Training sessions include 2 two-hour classroom workshops and a half-day tracking hike on land adjacent to the school or on Ruiter Valley Land Trust land.

Our instructor

Portrait d'Isabelle Grégoire, formatrice scolaire

Isabelle Grégoire, holds a Bachelor’s degree in Urban Planning and a Master’s degree in Environment from the University of Toronto. She is an educational consultant and trainer in environmental sciences in schools in the Appalachian region of southern Quebec. She has been collaborating for fifteen years with organizations working in education, ecology, conservation and land-use planning. Isabelle has been a tracker since 2004.

For information on training costs and schedules, please contact us at :

Citizen Science

In partnership with Appalachian Corridor.

« Stop Carcasses » Program

2-hour training on the iNaturalist application in collaboration with Cold Hollow to Canada.

For the Follow-up program by volunteer trackers

4-hour training on acquiring tracking data for specific wildlife corridor projects or the wildlife usage of natural sites.

Capture d'écran de l’application iNaturalist

For information on training costs and schedules, please contact us at :

Our teams of trackers

Équipes bénévoles de pisteurs

Each year our volunteer teams of trackers take charge of monitoring a territory running parallel to a section of highway in order to observe the frequentation and movements of wildlife. Tracking outings are mainly done in winter to take advantage of the snow cover (better track visibility).

The data is recorded in an application managed by the Appalachian Corridor organization. It will then be used to develop plans for the conservation and protection of wildlife habitats, and to initiate projects to improve or create structures for the safe passage of wildlife.

Want to join a team? Contact us at

Additional Activities on Request

The Ruiter Valley Land Trust offers other workshops on summer and winter tree identification, plants from the forest floor, ferns, and other habitats, including wetlands.

Our expert instructors can also conduct assessments of aquatic habitat health indicators and give lectures.

Workshops are regularly announced on this page and you can register for them. Otherwise you can also contact us to organize one on request for your group. We will then put you in contact with an expert instructor.

Image graphique d'arbres dans la Fiducie foncière de la vallée Ruiter